John 3:6

"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit"

Monday, October 16, 2023

The Results of Abiding Love

 It is the most Elegant Truth of all;

Without you I wouldn't be Me,

You allow and help me to be Me.

The Joy of Life comes from the Creator

Who gave you to me and me to you.

We have become a new and whole thing!

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Language Often Determines Beliefs

 Using a Universal Nomenclature to describe our experiences with the Almighty, which I believe is an improvement over any Religion specific words would (or could) be: God the Creator; God the Teacher; and God the Constant Companion, which many call the Holy Spirit. I find these words allow almost all religious conversations to reveal our shared fundamental spiritual experiences teaching us we can agree on much more than that which divides us. A study of the origins of our religions may well reveal many common values and principles which govern not only our attitude about our place in the cosmos but also many of our core values teach us to "respect the dignity of every human being". (a phrase from one Denominations' Baptismal Right)

About Me

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Tampa Bay Area, Flordia, United States
What do we pursue and what makes us who we are? The 'Facebook' version would have us accept passing thoughts and daily occurances as the sum and substance of who we are some original some banal. The author of these pages is one who has been philosopher, poet, photographer, priest, assembly line worker (autos), shortorder cook, musician, professor in medical schools, administrator, philanthropist, dreamer, civil rights advocate, and often friend. The journey is not complete but the ride is thrilling.