John 3:6

"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit"

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Spiritual Truths and Spiritual Blessings

For Christian people this season of Epiphany is soon transitioning into the next Liturgical Season called Lent. Most people around the world know about this day primarily because of the rather ribald mutation of the day Christians call "Shrove Tuesday" but which has been replaced most places by "Mardi Gras". This day, just before Ash Wednesday, was a time to rid your kitchen of fats and meats for the season of Lent.

Lent is a special time for Christian people because it is a time of sacrifice and simplicity - commonly reflected in the practice of "giving up" something. It is a rich season especially if used for reflection and meditation on the simple truths we learn throughout the years and experiences of our lives.

To assist in these reflections, I offer a list of Spiritual Truths which are a contrast to the truths of the street and the world. These are the 'graduate' level revelations discovered and nurtured by experience and introspection. There are only 25 so far and I would like to have 40, one for every day in Lent. So if you have any suggestions, please share them with me at:

Here is the list so far:

                                      Spiritual Truths

  1. We are born of particularity and thus subject to sin.
  2. When we are born to the Spirit, community replaces particularity, we die to self.
  3. Nothing can consume or destroy us more completely than our own selfishness.
  4. The Law was given because justice is a prerequisite for community.
  5. Community is a prerequisite for understanding the sacrifices of Love.
  6. The Law was meant to serve humankind, not the other way around.
  7. The Law is liberating because we know what to expect from the faithful.
  8. The Summary of the Law is that by which all actions are measured.
  9. Simpler is better.
  10. Less is more.
  11. Service to the other is the true meaning of freedom.
  12. One must die to self before being able to be born again.
  13. Talk is cheap, Sacrifice is authentic.
  14. The kingdom of God is within you, only you are able to share its’ power.
  15. God is love [agape], Sacrificial Love, and God is eternal.
  16. I am not free until everyone around me is free. God made me to be free.
  17. The right relationship is more important than rules. (Or tradition)
  18. Religion is a tool, if it doesn’t work, it’s O.K. to throw it away, these Remain: Truth, Hope, the Spirit, Faith, Love, the Redeemer, and the Creator.
  19. Justice which is only justice in not Justice. (Reinhold Neibuhr)
  20. Every glimpse of thou is a glimpse of the Eternal Thou. (Martin Buber)
  21. Unless you receive the Kingdom of Heaven like a child you are not able to enter.
  22. The Truth will set you free. [be careful, freedom can be frightening]
  23. Forgiveness releases and heals the forgiver even more than the one forgiven.
  24. Forgiveness, like all gifts, can only be offered freely, no strings attached.
  25. Love is often our first experience of the overwhelming power of God.

About Me

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Tampa Bay Area, Flordia, United States
What do we pursue and what makes us who we are? The 'Facebook' version would have us accept passing thoughts and daily occurances as the sum and substance of who we are some original some banal. The author of these pages is one who has been philosopher, poet, photographer, priest, assembly line worker (autos), shortorder cook, musician, professor in medical schools, administrator, philanthropist, dreamer, civil rights advocate, and often friend. The journey is not complete but the ride is thrilling.