The Ten Commandments 2010
AND GOD SPOKE THESE WORDS SAYING: I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, out of the bondage of Rome and its' persecution; and out of Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Russia, Italy, France, and South Africa; out of bondage in these lands, out of the bondage of others, but you alone can free yourselves from the bondage of your own greed.
1. You shall have no other Gods before me. Neither golden, silver, greenbacks, dividend checks, capital gains, deductible gifts, prestige or popularity, nor houses made of stone and wood which you claim are built to worship me yet are locked to the poor and the smelly, the hungry and the hurt, for with them is where I will be, says the Lord.
2. You shall not make for yourself any graven image, nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above whether it be of wood, stone, gold or clay. You shall not bow down to them nor serve them whether they be likeness, form, manifesto, creed, or ethic, for all are intended to assist in Creation and re-creation, and can be stewards only through service to the One who made you.
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Creators' name is sacred, as is your own. If the one is blasphemed the other is desecrated. Never profane God or Gods' creatures, for each of us then becomes diminished for this evil.
4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shall you labor and do your work, but the seventh is a Sabbath to the Lord your God and it shall be honored as a day of rest for the re-creation of the human spirit and our community. Neither shall you give silent approval to those who care not to preserve that which is Holy, as is this day. In this the strength of your life is at stake, not the Word of God. The Sabbath was made for mankind, not man for the Sabbath; it is a gift dedicated to wholeness for humankind to cherish and protect with the respect reserved for all that is Holy and Sacred.
5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long and even longer may be your peace of mind. To dishonor your inheritance is to denounce the gift of life, even from your creator. Honor begets honor, as love begets love. If you are to be honored, if you are to be loved, you must earn respect first. If not honor for those from whom your life began, then where does honor lie, even honor for your self and for your creator?
6. You shall do no murder. It is better you offer yourself to be sacrificed for the sake of honor than to take a life and honor no one. Killing foreshadows the death of the spirit. Life is a gift of the Creator; who shall offer his back to Him with blood on his hands. To live life is a joy, to nurture life a thanksgiving, to preserve life a blessing; to destroy life is a betrayal of the Spirit and a curse upon one's eternal soul.
7. You shall not commit adultery, a betrayal of the dignity of God's gift to humans allowing the promising of spirits one to another. Adultery has little to do with impulsive affection, but infidelity pollutes the one hope God’s children have to be like their Creator - the ability to promise, to love, and to be faithful.
By God's Word, the void yielded and all things began. Through Gods' Word all things are given and little is asked in return. The Word made flesh taught you the meaning of being human. Yet in offering your word to the other, you create a covenant among those who are not afraid to love. If that word is then broken, love too is broken, and there is nothing, no one thing in creation, that more saddens God than a broken Spirit.
8. You shall not steal. For what on this earth is worth the cost of theft? Can you steal anything important? If the need to take from others becomes that powerful, then that which is most important in you has already been destroyed. Where, then, will you find honor, faith, hope, and forgiveness? These, surely, are meant to keep you alive. If you are unable to share the things of life, it follows that you have few spiritual treasures left. Ask little of the thief, no matter how ‘honorable’ or popular his profession, for you have far more to lose in association with the thief then he.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. A curse lies equally upon those who testify profanely and on those who listen without protest. Take no one with you in this sinful deed, for in the last day you shall curse the ground under which you lie and the day you were born if you cause but one of the children of God to fall.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's house or anything that is your neighbor's. The possessions and talents you have are a gift of God, as life is a gift. Are you willing to sacrifice one for the other? Better to be free as the wind and own nothing. Only then can you choose whom you shall serve. Surely you can choose to attend the possessions of this world which service an insatiable appetite. Or, if you are wise, you shall choose a Godly life so God's wisdom and grace may shape you your whole life long. God's gift is life: Life in great abundance. Such wealth can not be snatched, hoarded, or stored; it must be freely shared, without reservation, to thrive. Only then will this inheritance survive in our children, and in our children's children, and in their children after them. Copyright Professional Services 2010
A broad look at life including Ethics, Cooking, Religion, Meditation, Spirituality, and Human Development for the creative and restless.
John 3:6
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit"
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- Meditation Meister
- Tampa Bay Area, Flordia, United States
- What do we pursue and what makes us who we are? The 'Facebook' version would have us accept passing thoughts and daily occurances as the sum and substance of who we are some original some banal. The author of these pages is one who has been philosopher, poet, photographer, priest, assembly line worker (autos), shortorder cook, musician, professor in medical schools, administrator, philanthropist, dreamer, civil rights advocate, and often friend. The journey is not complete but the ride is thrilling.